dimanche 4 août 2013

Baby 11 Month

Baby is now 11 months and spends most of his time to move in all directions. Curious, he wants to explore everything and protest when you put it in a lying position.
Growth, awakening and developing baby of 11 months

Baby is celebrating its 11 months and it does not stop progress. Its size is about 72 cm and a weight of 9.3 kg. His head circumference is around 46 cm. It moves more and try to walk. For this, he climbs on your feet or clings to the surrounding furniture. Baby is still very young and it is quite normal that has not yet mastered walking.

On the other hand, Baby is expressed better and perhaps even today more words in his vocabulary. Encourage him by answering his babbling, contact as possible with him.

From its 11-month baby is able to enjoy new toys and will not tire in front of a music book or even in the mirror. However, if he wants something he can not get frustrated, he began to scream and cry.

Feeding the baby of 11 months

As in previous months, Baby has four daily meals. You give him his breakfast and dinner with a bottle. However, lunch and snack are now taken with a spoon. If you are not breastfeeding, you are perhaps already passed Milk third age.

Health 11 month

If you have not yet realized the booster vaccination against hepatitis B, talk with your doctor. Indeed, this point must be made between the 9th and 12th months.

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