samedi 3 août 2013

Baby Month By Month

The arrival of a baby in the family is always a stir ... which requires a great deal of organization. Food, health, growth and awakening: our record to help you keep baby month by month.

Since its birth, your little one fills you with joy, but sometimes is still a source of concern for you, his mom. What could be more normal, after all, want to see her baby grow, laugh, grow month after month .... and above all stay healthy! Result: During its first 36 months, more than others, baby is monitored closely, very closely.

I must say that baby, month by month, has almost bigger than him revolutions. The most obvious: the evolution of its size and weight. Then later, you will surely have a small tear in his eye when he saw learn walking, language, and growing up in cleanliness. In the meantime, and as a baby does not speak, you will also, as a mom learn to decipher. What do her tears? How do I know it is not lack of sleep?

You will also note that this baby will respond to some major events, including his health visits to the pediatrician, vaccination of baby ... All these reasons are worth doing a little checklist month by month about not being overwhelmed by all boulerversements experienced by your baby month after month.
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